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How does Essay Doer Bot handle reading materials?
We use advanced optical character recognition (OCR) technology to scan and process reading materials, even from printouts. Once scanned, we vectorize the text, enabling us to analyze and understand the content semantically. Then we identify and extract quotes and key points that are semantically similar to the essay topic, ensuring that the content generated is relevant and well-informed.
Can Essay Doer Bot replicate my writing style?
Yes, by analyzing a sample of your past writing, we can mimic your style. This includes capturing your tone, sentence structure, and vocabulary, allowing us to produce essays that closely mirror your writing style.
Does Essay Doer Bot support citations and referencing?
Yes. You can provide citation details for your readings, and we will incorporate and reference these sources in MLA format your essay, following traditional academic standards.
What file formats are supported for assignment and reading uploads?
We currently accept PDF format for reading materials and assignments. This format is preferable for consistent content processing.
Is there a limit to the length of essays that Essay Doer Bot can generate?
Yes, we adhere to a ~800 count limit as this is the length of an average essay, which our models are optimized for.
Can I edit the thesis or outline generated by Essay Doer Bot?
Yes. We provide an initial thesis and outline, which you can review and edit to suit your requirements before we proceed with the full essay generation.
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